Status as a club or association enables people to unite around a project or idea and develop it together. It's a way to fulfil yourself personally while developing your knowledge, meeting others and sharing.
With this in mind, and in partnership with local clubs and associations, we have developed activities based on sustainable development, with workshops on different themes: ecology, nature awareness, respect for the environment, and participative workcamps.
These "bushcraft" activities refocus ideas on a much-needed return to actions and behaviour that respect Mother Nature.
As you approach Hendaye, you cross the majestic Abbadia estate and the path winds through lush green meadows, with magnificent views of the coast, ocean and small coves. There are beach-cleaning sessions at low tide to help protect this corner of paradise.
The swan plant was deliberately imported from North America, and Cape ragwort seeds travelled in the wool of imported sheep. Its small yellow flower is in fact a little bouquet, which spreads its seeds quickly. In addition, the plant develops an alkaloid that makes it indigestible to animals and prevents other species from growing around it. People have a role to play in to restoring the traditional local plants, such as blue sand thistle and euphorbia, to this harsh environment and ensuring that they have the necessary conditions to flourish, as they play an essential role in fixing the dunes.
Your mission: to reclaim the dune by helping to uproot parasitic plants.